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Day 6 of the Radiant Church 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


by | Jan 11, 2025

Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline. It humbles our soul and is a spiritual weapon for pulling down strongholds. In fasting we establish that our appetites are not in control, but Jesus Christ is Lord.

Yet, as in all spiritual disciplines, it can become a legalist trap and a self-righteous deception. When you fast, avoid legalism and do what works for you. When I was younger, I could do extended fasts with only water. I went on many long juice and liquid fasts. Some were absolutely transformational in my walk with God.

Based on my doctor’s recommendations and knowing my own body, unless I’m urged to by the Spirit, I won’t do long water fasts any more or even extended fasts without some form of protein. We need to have zeal but with wisdom.

I started my fast a day early and today will complete a 7-day liquid fast. I’ve lost 7 pounds during the fast, which is normal for me. But now I feel it is wise to move to a Daniel fast. Strictly a Daniel fast is eating only those things that come from a seed. But I’m modifying it and including meat for protein (doctor’s recommendation).

In all this, I’m simply saying, do what works for you and how you sense the Holy Spirit leading you. If you lose will-power and break your fast, no worries, get back on it the next day. Obey the Holy Spirit in what He is telling you to do and your fast will be effective.

In the Bible, fasting is going without food. Yet, the principle is to put aside those things that quench your hunger for God, so that You can fully be satisfied by Him.

One fast I’ve recommended to people who are reluctant fasters, is simply to eat for 21-days the way you know you should eat all the time. Only healthy whole foods, no processed foods or refined sugars. Possibly a Mediterranean diet. Then put aside everything else that satiates your hunger for God to fully pursue him. If you’re a reluctant faster, you may want to try that.

Bottom line – be led by the Holy Spirit and wisdom and don’t let anyone guilt or shame you into thinking your fast doesn’t matter because it doesn’t match their preferred way of fasting. Don’t make food your priority but make God your priority. Fast unto the Lord, not unto men.

Father, I pray that we would fast according to Your chosen fast. That we would humble our soul and draw near to You. May strongholds be broken in my friends’ lives, and breakthroughs happen in the strong name of Jesus.

Written by Todd Hudnall

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