Myrtle Tree
As we were praying this morning and waiting on God, I felt the Holy Spirit was leading me to go back and revisit the Myrtle tree revelation that He gave me back in June. I have repeatedly over the last couple of weeks (during prayer vigils), sensed this strong prompting from the Holy Spirit to remember His directives to us. His divine directive in this hour, is that we are to boldly prophesy the heart of the Father over situations and circumstances.
He had told us through the prophet Ezekiel, to “prophesy to the mountains” before us…”prophesy to the dry bones,” and to the dreams that Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy. This is a divine directive from Him. This is so important That we cannot let it fall by the wayside and just go back to only petitioning prayers; forgetting this divine directive to prophesy His heart! Today again, I felt drawn back to the Myrtle tree revelation that He gave me in June. We are anointed to prophesy the Father‘s heart concerning the myrtle tree over us, over Radiant church, and over the bride of Christ in this time of crisis in our nation and world. Prophesy His heart: that the Church will rise up like Esther like Hadassah (Hadassah is Hebrew word for Myrtle tree).
Last June we were sitting on our back patio praying, when the Holy Spirit took me to Isaiah 55:13. For years Isaiah 55:12 has been a guiding verse for my life. I have known and learned again and again how important it is to let God‘s peace and His joy, guide and direct, our decisions. But that day was different. I knew he had directed me to Isaiah 55:13 and while verse 12 was committed to memory, verse 13 was not. However, since that day it is indeed committed to memory and it is a guiding verse for my life.
Isaiah 55:13 says, ““Instead of the thorn bush the cypress tree will grow, And instead of the nettle the myrtle tree will grow; And it will be a memorial to the Lord, For an everlasting sign [of His mercy] which will not be cut off.” Isaiah 55:13 AMP
When I read these words on June 4, they seemed to ignite with holy Divine fire and burn through all of the pain, all of the questions, all of the difficulties… These words seemed to reach out and captivate me. It almost felt like these holy words of scripture came alive, and were swirling around me like a lasso, and then the lasso tightened around me securely as if these words were about to take me into a new reality.
First, it decrees that instead of the thornbush, the Cypress tree will grow. These words ignited such excitement inside of me that I quickly began asking questions about the Cypress tree. I discovered that the Cypress tree grows up tall and steady and over the years and decades its height surpasses, other trees. Its pointed aim is directly towards heaven. It is pointing upward to God and God alone. The Lord spoke to me so clearly that day and has continued to do so: Instead of the thornbush, the Cypress tree will grow. Sometimes it feels like, looks like, seems like, sounds like, the prickly, painful, miserable, awful thornbushes multiply relentlessly… Ripping through our flesh and bringing pain and misery to our souls. We must prophesy God’s word: instead of the thornbush, the Cypress tree will grow! The day of the thornbush is coming to an end, hallelujah! And the sure and steady growth of the Cypress tree is ascending higher and higher, and pointing with greater precision to Yahweh!
Next was the Myrtle tree, and this one has truly captivated me with a holy sense of wonder bringing me often to tears of brokenness, humility, dependence, and expectation. The myrtle tree is a symbol of prosperity that rises out of adversity. Most likely this is why Esther was known among her people as Hadassah (the Hebrew word for “myrtle”). Many are called but few are chosen. Adversity, trials, persecution, and pain are all things that human nature tries to avoid. Yet they are the very things that bring out the rare and unique beauty that is meant to be displayed for God‘s glory. The flesh, carnal nature, and human reasoning, fights this and wants to avoid it if it all possible. Yet, it is the crucible of affliction that is necessary to receive the pure gold that is refined by fire. The Myrtle tree is a beautiful example of this reality. It’s rare and exquisite beauty is displayed for God’s splendor and glory. That rare beauty is only brought out through adversity, storms, and hardship.
You and I are called to be like the myrtle that “even though cut, their branches remain upright, fresh and fragrant.”
As a believer, you will face many struggles and encounter many long, hard days that will seem as though God is silent. However, God is never absent, inactive, or not at work. His “silence” means He is working in ways that cannot be seen in or around you. Like the myrtle, the final product will be one of maturity and beauty. All believers who remain faithful, while enduring hardships, have a Christ-likeness that those who were not chosen worthy to suffer do not possess. The adversities, trials and storms of life are the very things necessary to bring out the beauty and the blessing of the myrtle tree. So do not grow weary, do not faint, do not give up or lose hope, God is producing in you an eternal weight of glory. You will be like the Myrtle tree whose branches will be known for its beautiful fragrance and display of His glory.
Much love and prayers,
Pastor Kelly.

Written by Kelly Hudnall
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