Past Blogs
Myrtle Tree
Myrtle Tree As we were praying this morning and waiting on God, I felt the Holy Spirit was leading me to go back and revisit the Myrtle tree revelation that He gave me back in June. I have repeatedly over the last couple of weeks (during prayer vigils), sensed...
Day 6 of the Radiant Church 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Day 6 of the Radiant Church 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline. It humbles our soul and is a spiritual weapon for pulling down strongholds. In fasting we establish that our appetites are not in control, but Jesus Christ is...
Dream of Two Cords
Dream of Two Cords I woke up from another dream that felt very significant and was absolutely a clear word from God. In the dream I was lying in bed asleep when suddenly two cords dropped down over my head suspended from the sky. I heard the Holy Spirit...
After The Election
After The Election God has demonstrated His amazing grace and undeserved mercy to America with the outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election. The extreme policies of the Biden/Harris Administration that were bringing so much destruction to our nation will be...
Sifting Last week, in the prayer closet, I prayed and cried out for the bride of Christ and for many people, specifically those I know are being sifted right now. The Lord reminded me of His words to Peter when He said, Satan desires to sift all of you like...
Wounds that lead to Anointing
Wounds That Lead To Anointing Pastor Todd and I just returned from a month-long sabbatical. It was much needed! The Lord spoke so deeply to us during that time and brought healing, clarity of vision, focus, and calling in this hour. I feel like I need another...
The Favor of God
The Favor of God The Lord was waiting on me again this morning with such a powerful word. I had to share it with you. As I walked into the prayer closet today, I was quickly reminded of psalm 23 and it was as if the Lord pulled out the chair at the table for me...
Who are you? Priest
Who are you? Priest Then Moses took them from their hands and burned them on the altar, on the burnt offering. They were consecration offerings for a sweet aroma. That was an offering made by fire to the Lord.” –Leviticus 8:28 NKJV All of the offerings required...
Goat Hair and an Offering
Goat hair & an offering “And all the women whose hearts stirred with wisdom spun yarn of goats’ hair.” –Exodus 35:26 NKJV You must read this in context of what was taking place. They were bringing offerings for the construction of the tabernacle of the...
The Truth About Israel
The Truth About Israel On Saturday, October 7th, the Iranian-backed terror group Hamas launched a gruesome and barbaric attack on Israel and its citizens. At least 1,400 Israelis were killed, and more than 200 people were taken hostage. Israel has responded and...
Shifting Culture, by Faith Hudnall
Shifting Culture, by Faith Hudnall Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting by Derek Prince filled me with a fresh passion for united prayer and fasting by revealing that it is the only antidote for the disease that has infested the American Church. The book...
Be Like the Hippo!
Be like the hippo! Be like the hippo! Open your mouth and crush the head of the enemy! Yesterday, I was utterly exhausted after a very long, challenging, and emotional two weeks. We traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, and went hard for 11 days, traveling throughout...
Nothing Could Have Prepared Us
Nothing Could Have Prepared Us Our mission trip to Africa was life-changing. Nothing could have prepared me for what we have seen and experienced over the past 11 days. Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support. Since we couldn’t take you all with us, we...
Neighborhood Prayer Walking
Neighborhood Prayer Walking Your commitment to pray for your neighbors is going to result in a supernatural transformation that will impact lives both now and in eternity. This is no small mission that you have engaged in. God will be glorified through your...
Scriptural Prayers for Marriage and Family
Scriptural Prayers for Marriage and Family "Lord, we take the keys of the Kingdom that You have given us, and in the authority of Your Name, we decree Your Word. We pray as Jesus prayed in John 17 sanctify us by Your Truth, Your Word is Truth. It is written: let...
A Word from God
A Word From God Recently in a time of prayer and listening to The Lord, He spoke these words so clearly and directly to my spirit. The date was actually April 17th, but I haven’t been able to shake it; He keeps bringing it back to me. Presently, it is 1:30a, and...
Youth Revolution
Youth Revolution It’s time for another Jesus Revolution. God directed Mario Murillo on Sunday night to activate the youth and compel them to walk in His anointing and destiny. Now it’s our turn to pray diligently, fervently, and daily for this generation of...
Holy Wednesday 2023
Holy Wednesday Luke tells us that “every day He (Jesus) was teaching in the temple,” However, Holy Wednesday is also referred to as a day of rest for Jesus. While Jesus rests in Bethany at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, the high priest & the...
SHOUT! This blog is a very transparent and honest revealing of my heart and I want to ask you to read with grace and humility. SHOUT! Your shouted praises are your weapons of war! Psalm 149:6This is the strategic mandate that the Lord continues to speak to me...
Take Every Thought Captive!
Take every thought Captive! This is a big, HUGE, important message for all of us. Satan hates you and wants to destroy you, steal your joy, and rob you of God’s peace. Rebel against hell’s agenda and Choose your thoughts carefully. Only you can choose what you...
TAKE UP YOUR SWORD I cannot live a day without this. It’s so interesting that in Revelation 1:16, John, the revelator sees a vision of Jesus, and in His right hand he holds the seven stars, and out of His mouth, comes a double edged sword. The word of God is...
Restore The Family Altar
Restore The Family Altar A few weeks ago in prayer, The Lord spoke to me about competing altars. As pastors we cannot expect others to go where we aren’t willing to go ourselves. Establishing and maintain a family altar has been a main priority in our home since...
Celebrate the past and move forward full of faith into the New Year
Celebrate the past and move forward full of faith into the New Year Every year for the past 11 years, our family has held to a very meaningful tradition for closing out the old year and beginning a new year. We do what we call a Time Capsule and we have these...
Too Good To Not Be Trusted
Too Good to not be Trusted This morning in prayer the Holy Spirit directed me to Genesis 22. Which is the account of God requiring Abraham to place his son, his only son, his miracle answer to Abraham and Sarah’s prayers, upon the Altar as a sacrifice to God. To...
Followers of Christ in Colorado Springs Must Oppose Question 300
Followers of Christ in Colorado Springs Must Oppose Question 300 On the ballot in Colorado Springs this year are Questions 300 and 301. Question 300 would repeal Colorado Springs’ 2013 ban on recreational pot sales. Our city’s one hundred and fourteen existing...
Angels Sent Before Us
Angels Sent Before Us Recently I was loading laundry into the washing machine and as I closed the door a word from the Lord struck me profoundly. These words pierced me like an arrow and sent chills through my body, “I am about to unleash my glory in ways that...
Biblical Citizenship
BIBLICAL CITIZENSHIP President Ronald Reagan spoke this powerful timeless truth: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for...
Time to Rise Up and Build
Time to Rise Up and Build Time to Rise Up and Build (Neh. 2:18) This past weekend I was excited to announce that the leadership at Radiant Church believes the Lord is telling us, now is the time to expand our North Campus. With the large increase in...
God Is Up To Something
God Is Up To Something God is up to something. We are in the middle of a 21-day fast, and this fast is, without a doubt, the most significant and important fast we have ever embarked on. On Tuesday, we canceled our regular staff meetings and spent the day at our...
Jesus Forgives You
Jesus Forgives You Recently, in prayer I asked the Lord what He wanted me to tell people right now. His response was immediate. I didn’t hear an audible voice, but a crystal clear message in my spirit was undeniable, “Tell them Jesus forgives them.” Do you...
Spiritual Atomic Power
Spiritual Atomic Power Monday morning, I awakened with an extreme sense of heaviness on my heart. It’s easy to become consumed with all of the evil, corruption, and darkness that is coming at us from every angle. We see the wickedness and the unholy rebellion...
A Mighty Flame is Burning
A Mighty Flame is Burning “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame”. Song of Songs 8:6 NIV Our friend Lou Engle spoke...
Another Miracle
Another Miracle We continue to GIVE God praise for the abundant healings and testimonies! This is a powerful and encouraging testimony from Benny Chilcutt. We hope you enjoy reading this powerful testimony and give God all deserving praise! Pastors Todd & Kelly...
The Trap of Offense
The trap of offense Psalm 119:165 (KJV) “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.”The trap of offense is everywhere. Therefore, you will have to be intentional about guarding your heart against it every day. The most important...
Necessary Fire
Necessary Fire The Holy Spirit keeps speaking these words to me over and over, "Necessary fire." We are all going through the fire. And if you are not feeling it right now, get ready because we are all going through it. Do not be afraid because the Lord is with...
They Raided All Our Homes
They raided all our homes This week, Pastor Todd and I felt compelled to share the latest blog post from Evangelist Mario Murillo. Radiant Church, America is under siege, and we must pray now. Please click the link below to read Mario's take on the shocking...
Better Together
Better Together Remember the banana? When it left the bunch…it got skinned. God created us for community. We all need each other. We have a real enemy, and one of the strategies of hell is to divide and conquer. Hell knows that separation and isolation are...
Miracles The miracles of what God did in the tent are nothing less than extraordinary. We continue to praise God for all He’s done, all He’s doing, and all He’s going to do. It’s not over. He’s just getting started. One of the biggest miracles is what the Lord...
Just Getting Started
Just Getting Started We love our Radiant Family! Pastor Todd and I want to say, thank you to every one of you who prayed, invited, welcomed, served, and participated in what Mario said was the “biggest and best crusade” ever. Mario’s wife, Mechele said, “I wish...
Beyond The Tent
Beyond The Tent What an honor it is for all of us here at Radiant to host this tent crusade for our cities of Colorado Springs and Woodland Park. This Sunday, we will have ONE SERVICE in the tent at 10 am with guest evangelist Mario Murillo. This is a historical...
Sabbath Fridays are our sabbath day in the Hudnall home. This is the day we honor the Lord each week through rest, worship, and spending time together. God commands us in Exodus 20 to keep a sabbath. This is one of the Ten Commandments, and He instructs us to...
Push There are critical times when God alerts His people and calls them to be awake and aware. One of those times was when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane with His disciples before the crucifixion. Matthew 26:38, 40-41 (CSB) 38 He said to them, “I am...
It’s Harvest Time
It’s Harvest Time “It’s not a time to back up, back off, or back down…it’s time to press in!” Ron spoke those words in the message this past weekend, and they exploded inside of me. Growing up on a farm in Kansas, I understand harvest time. When the harvest is...
Humility Let’s celebrate humility and bring glory to God throughout the month of June. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things the Lord hates, and number one on the list is: pride. We now live in a nation that celebrates and propagates what God hates; calling good...
The Andrew Principle
The Andrew Principle In a recent conversation with Mario Murillo, he began talking to me about the Andrew Principle. He explained that this was the principle that Billy Graham followed and taught others to apply. I listened intently as Mario spoke, “Kelly, you...
It’s Time for Extreme Evangelism
It’s Time for Extreme Evangelism It’s here! It’s upon us! God’s fire of revival has stirred our hearts and awakened our souls to the urgency of this hour. Jesus instructs us in Luke 14:23 to “… Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in,...
The Forgotten Justice Issue
The Forgotten Justice Issue The word “justice” has become one of the biggest buzz words in our culture. Cultural influencers incessantly speak of social justice, economic justice, even climate justice, and the list of perceive injustices goes on and on. Justice...
Take Up Your Mantel
TAKE UP YOUR MANTEL The new series that Pastor Todd is doing right now on Elijah and Elisha is a NOW message for the church. Go back and listen to the first two messages again and ask The Lord to speak to you and give you His divine insight and revelation for...
Holy Saturday
On Black (or Holy) Saturday Jesus’ body rested in the tomb Luke 23:55-56 “The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on...
Good Friday
Good Friday Good Friday was the last day of Jesus’ life on earth before the crucifixion. He was betrayed by JudasDenied by PeterHis disciples scatteredHe was falsely accused, arrested and placed on trialHe was condemned, beaten, mocked, and required to carry His...