Holy Tuesday
This picture was taken on our recent trip to The Holy Land. This is a picture of the Mount of Olives where Jesus stopped on Holy Tuesday of passion week, to talk to His disciples about some very sobering and important matters.
Holy Tuesday was a day packed full of teaching & discipleship for our Lord. As He poured into His disciples, the priests & religious people continued to conspire against Him.
· They questioned His authority
· They challenged His allegiance
· They ridiculed & falsely accused Him
· They stubbornly closed their hearts to The King of Glory
Each time they rose up against Jesus, The Holy Spirit gave Him supernatural wisdom, knowledge & power that left them bewildered and amaze. Yet they continued in their opposition to The King of Glory.
On Holy Tuesday, Jesus and His disciples stopped at the Mount of Olives to rest.
Jesus spoke to them about the trials and persecution that His followers would face.
As we remember Holy Tuesday, we are reminded that we also will face trials & persecution as His followers. Don’t be discouraged or disheartened when you face opposition. When you truly follow Jesus, you will hated, persecuted and fiercely opposed.
We will be questioned, challenged, ridiculed & falsely accused. When we are, we follow His example: pray & recalibrate to maintain a Holy Hunger for righteousness, like Jesus, that keeps us on His path & His holy mission. Each day we are called to Deny self, take up our cross, and follow Jesus.
Our prayer today: Lord, I surrender once again to You and to Your Lordship. Thank You for Your Words that are Truth and Life to all who receive them. Today, on holy Tuesday, we are reminded that as Your disciples, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow You. We also acknowledge that those who truly follow You, are fiercely hated by hell. But You are with us! And You are The Lord! Lord, today I ask that You would increase Your holy passion and fire in me, for Your glory. Amen.
Pastor Kelly Hudnall

Written by Kelly Hudnall
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