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Better Together


by | Aug 2, 2022

Remember the banana? When it left the bunch…it got skinned. God created us for community. We all need each other. We have a real enemy, and one of the strategies of hell is to divide and conquer. Hell knows that separation and isolation are mighty weapons to take you and your family down. So be a Holy Rebel and rebel against hell’s strategies with God’s Truth. Join us this Wednesday night for a powerful time of praise, prayer, intercession, and worship at Fusion. When we come together in one accord, miracles happen, and great victories are won.

In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat called on all the people to come together to seek God corporately. The power of unity exponentially increases when we come together to seek God’s mercy, grace, and Divine intervention is explosive. God commands us to the necessity of corporate worship in Hebrews 10:24-25 “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” There is a supernatural increase of divine power when God’s people come together in one accord to worship, pray, and praise Him.

Closing churches during the Covid-19 pandemic led to a spike in online worship services and a major decline in church attendance. While online services are more convenient and widely accepted, joining in-person to seek the Lord and worship Him corporately cannot be replaced. This aspect of the Christian life is so important to God that He instructs us not to forsake it and to gather more often as the day of His return draws near. Therefore, by all means, let us not forsake coming together with other believers for worship, praise, prayer, and seeking the Lord in Biblical community.

2 Chronicles 20:13 highlights another important strategy for victory: “Now all Judah, with their little ones, their wives, and their children, stood before the Lord.” They sought the Lord together as families, with their children. Clearly, part of God’s strategy for victory is to make weekly church attendance a priority for you and your family.

Parents are in a serious battle today, and it is our kids who are in the enemy’s crosshairs. Therefore, we must lead our children well in this war. Parents and grandparents must lead first, by example. Let them see you seeking God first. Live out the Godly example before them, of putting God first in everything. The greatest influence in your family is you. When they see and hear you praying, praising, seeking God first, making His Word the highest priority, and committed to His Kingdom and His people, they will most likely follow your example. Throughout my life, I have heard the phrase “it’s more caught than taught.” You must live it out before them and bring your family together to seek Him with you. This begins at home, praying together, worshipping together, reading God’s Word together, and going to church together. Victory in the battle begins with making God, His Word, and His mission the highest priority in your life and your family.

America was once a Christian nation, and as long as the nation’s families were centered on Christ, Church, and Biblical morality, we remained strong. We were the land of the free and the home of the brave. However, as the nation’s families have turned away from God, and church is no longer a value in American culture, we have become wicked, corrupt, weak, and compromised. The only hope for victory in this war is for God’s people to humble themselves, turn from their worldly ways, and seek His face again, individually and in Biblical community. We must unite with our families and worship God corporately with other believers again. God moves in power when we come together in unity.

Pastor Kelly Hudnall


Written by Kelly Hudnall

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