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Developing a Biblical Worldview

Developing a Biblical Worldview

Developing a Biblical Worldview    Major on what is Eternal and Minor on what is Temporal The Barna research group recently did a survey in January 2022, of 600 American parents with children younger than 13. What they discovered is startling: While 67% of...

The Globalist Agenda explained from a Biblical Perspective

The Globalist Agenda explained from a Biblical Perspective

The Globalist Agenda explained from a Biblical Perspective  Surely by now, we’ve all heard more than we ever desired to hear and know about the globalist elites and their diabolical agenda. But, for anyone who still feels in the dark about this, I recently...

Biblical Citizens

Biblical Citizens

Biblical Citizens  “There is a satanically inspired lie that has infiltrated God’s people and led them to believe that Christians should be silent concerning anything going on in our nation’s government. This mentality is not Biblical, it is demonic.” We are...

Prayers as Incense

Prayers as Incense

Prayers as Incense  Rev. 8.2-5 “And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of...

Declare the end from the beginning

Declare the end from the beginning

Declare the end from the beginning  Pastor Todd and I were in Arizona last week for conferences and a prayer service at Fresh Start Church. We gleaned so much from the time we spent there and The Lord clarified many things in our hearts. I will share one of them...

The righteous are as bold as a Lion

The righteous are as bold as a Lion

The righteous are as bold as a Lion  This week’s blog is written by Faith Hudnall. We believe you will be inspired, challenged and encouraged by a 16 year old perspective on history and the world/country that she is growing up in. She is a holy rebel warrior for...

This is Where We Are

This is Where We Are

This is where we are.  How did we get here? Where do we go from here?This is where we are. How did we get here? Where do we go from here? For years, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been warning America to repent, humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and pray,...



THE LION'S ROAR  Our Weakness: A Portal for His PowerMost of us naturally long to be valiant, mighty, indestructible heroes of the faith. We aspire to living full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit, conquering every enemy and winning every battle. Yet, all of...

The End is at Hand

The End is at Hand

Last night our family was reading Radiant Word together. In 1 Peter 4:7 we read Peter’s words, “But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.” This verse struck me as very pertinent to our times and how we should currently be...



I love this picture of four of our own Radiant Holy Rebel warriors. This picture will now remain in my office and in my prayer closet to inspire me to pray daily for these mighty warriors and this generation of youth.

God Made the family unit 1

God designed the family to pass on values and faith (Deut. 6:4-7). The secular Antichrist spirit always desires to throw God off. Those under its control believe they know better than God (Gen. 3:5). One of the world systems greatest attacks will always be against...

Wake Up Church

Wake Up Church

Wake Up Church! Time to rise up against the movement that makes the government and not parents the decision-makers in the lives of our children. This is in California but that means it won't be long before it comes to Colorado and other states. More Blog PostsClass...