It’s Time for Extreme Evangelism
It’s here! It’s upon us! God’s fire of revival has stirred our hearts and awakened our souls to the urgency of this hour. Jesus instructs us in Luke 14:23 to “… Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” God wants His house to be full and He has commissioned you and me to go out and bring the people in! He does not want His house full just to fill seats. He wants us to bring them in and fill the seats because Jesus is in the house! We must bring them in and fill the house so they will encounter Jesus!
Please take a quick journey with me over the past several months, beginning early fall of 2020. Pastor Todd, myself and several other city pastors and leaders in Colorado Springs, gathered to pray and travel to the four corners of our city. We spent the day moving from corner to corner, driving stakes imprinted with scripture into the dry ground, repenting, praying, burying a Bible at each corner and claiming revival for our city that would spread throughout our state. I knew that day was significant in God’s plan for Colorado and for the work of the Holy Spirit to be fulfilled.
Recently, we were praying for the tent crusade at our North Campus. While praying, the Holy Spirit took me back to the day we traveled to the four corners in united prayer. I had a flashback of the memory of each of us taking the hammer and driving the stakes into the ground, but this memory brought forth something I had never seen before. I could see the hammer hit the stake and sparks flew out at the point of contact. The Holy Spirit spoke to me about those sparks and how the spark of revival fire began to fall on that day. Those sparks were completely unnoticeable at that time. We simply came together in unity and in obedience to the call of God and claimed revival and awakening for our city and state.
Many times, we pray, we repent, we fast, we follow God in obedience…and nothing seems to be any different. We don’t feel different, we don’t see any difference; yet, God is at work and we often don’t see it in the natural realm. Many times, things seem to get worse before we begin to see any positive movement. That is why it is so important to keep pressing in and pressing on in His holy calling because He is working, even when it doesn’t look like it, feel like it, or seem like it. Several unexpected crises struck our nation after this day and sent the world into an epidemic of catastrophic proportions on many levels. America came under siege, and we have been shaken like never before. Yet, we continue to press in and pray according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, trusting in God’s intervention to bring revival and awakening to this shaken nation.
While praying for our city, state and nation in October of 2020 I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to begin praying that Mario Murillo would come to Colorado. I could see clearly that God’s hand is upon Mario and that God has anointed him, given him a message and a platform in this hour, and I became convinced that God wanted Mario to come to our state and our city. So I began praying and asking The Lord to move supernaturally to get Mario here; knowing it would take a miracle to get him to our city. Of course, I had no idea how God would make this happen, but God moved in many miraculous ways to connect me with Mario and his team. All I did was pray and God did the rest. It truly is a God story.
Now here we are! This time has come for our summer of Extreme Evangelism! December of 2021 The Lord showed us that this summer of 2022 would be a summer of extreme evangelism at Radiant Church. Mario is bringing the Living Proof Crusade Tent that holds over 3,000 seats, to our Radiant North Campus Parking lot, July 10-13th. He will be speaking live at Radiant July 10th in the morning and our Radiant Youth will be initiating the start of a youth revolution at the same time with the crusade!
We will launch into our summer of Extreme Evangelism on June 4th with the Pastors’ and City Leaders’ Brunch. The response was so overwhelming that we were forced to do an additional brunch at Radiant Central Campus on the same day. That weekend will be the official launching point into our summer of Extreme Evangelism. The Living Proof Ministry Team is going to be with us for the entire month of June through July 15th. They will be taking teams out all over the city every week to compel them to come so that God’s tent will be full! This is going to be the most incredible summer of our lives as we join together with other believers throughout our cities of Colorado Springs and Woodland Park, to see thousands come to Christ and catch the fire of revival.
Register today to be a part of this great harvest of souls! This summer of Extreme Evangelism will impact Eternity and we get to be part of it!
The harvest is now! Join God’s Movement!
Pastor Kelly Hudnall

Written by Kelly Hudnall
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