Youth Revolution
It’s time for another Jesus Revolution. God directed Mario Murillo on Sunday night to activate the youth and compel them to walk in His anointing and destiny. Now it’s our turn to pray diligently, fervently, and daily for this generation of children, youth, and young adults to fulfill their calling and rebel against hell’s agenda for their generation. I wrote this prayer last year, and we want to ask you to join with us in praying these scriptural prayers for our youth. The power of agreement in united, scriptural prayers brings about victory. Please print this prayer out or copy and paste it so that you can pray and make these prophetic decrees with us over and against the enemy’s agenda.
Prayer for this Generation of Youth
Father, we pray for this generation of young people growing up in America today. Oh God, we come before Your throne of grace in the courts of heaven to plead with You for Your divine intervention for our children, our teens, and for our young adults. Father, we ask that You would stretch forth Your hand in power and might over this generation of young people. Lord, we know that they were born for such a time as this. You formed each and every one of them. You knit each of them together in their mother’s womb for Your divine purpose. We acknowledge that they were created by You and for Your glory for this very moment in time and history. They are fiercely hated by hell. But You are with them! And You are the Lord!
Deliver them from the hand of the fowler (Ps 91). Deliver them from the powers of darkness and the spirits of wickedness that come to steal, kill and destroy! Hide them in the shadow of Your wings! Keep them safe from the evil one and protect them by the name You gave Your Son (John 17)!
We come to You today in the name of Your Son and our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, asking that You would send another mighty outpouring of Your Spirit upon this generation of young people. We ask, according to Joel chapter 2, that You would indeed pour Your spirit out upon this generation of sons and daughters. We decree Your Word over them: that our sons and our daughters would prophesy, dream dreams, and see visions. We pray, according to your word in the Gospel of John (Jn 14:12), that they would do the same works Jesus did and even greater works because of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit! Lord, we ask that You would baptize this generation of young people with the Holy Spirit and Your holy fire. Empower them by Your Holy Spirit to walk uprightly, to walk in Truth, to walk in holiness. Oh God, give them ears to hear Your voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow!
Set a fire down in their souls that stirs them and compels them to rise up in this hour to be the Elijahs of God in our day! Fill them with a holy boldness that they will be as bold as lions because Your word says that the righteous are as bold as a lion (Prov 28:1)! So we pray that the same spirit of God and Your spirit of boldness that was in Elijah when he confronted Jezebel and the prophets of Baal, would be in this generation of young people. We pray that this generation of young people would rise up in faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit and stand against the darkness! We pray, according to Isaiah 59:19, that you would come like a mighty pent-up flood that is driven along by the breath of God! Oh, Holy Spirit, come like a flood of righteousness sweeping over us like a tsunami! Sweep over the United States of America! Sweep over America’s youth like A mighty holy tsunami! Sweep over our young adults, our teenagers, and our children with a mighty holy tsunami of awakening and holiness!!! Oh God, we cry out to You! Stretch forth Your hand and send a tsunami of righteousness and holiness!
Oh God, we pray that they would rise up in a holy rebellion against this culture of darkness, death, confusion, corruption, perversion, wickedness, sexual immorality, and abortion. Oh God, we pray that this generation of young people will be a mighty army rising up in Your power and Your might to defeat the powers of darkness, and they will push back the forces of hell that are trying to take them under. I pray that they will boldly and fiercely stand up against hell’s bullies! Oh God, in the name of Jesus, we cry out to you today to empower them! Anoint them! Equip them to be your fierce warriors against the powers of hell! The Elijahs of God for this generation! Oh, Father, bless them and bless them indeed.
We pray for Mighty empowerment from the Holy Spirit to stand against the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Oh God, that they would shut off all of the secular voices of darkness that are trying to pull them under & drag them into a cesspool of wickedness and darkness. Lord, fill them with a holy passion to resist the darkness and rise above the wickedness to shine like stars in a world of darkness for Your glory, in Jesus’ name. Oh God, let revival and awakening come to our youth and come through our youth for your glory, in Jesus name!
Pastor Kelly
Written by Kelly Hudnall
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