A Word From God
Recently in a time of prayer and listening to The Lord, He spoke these words so clearly and directly to my spirit. The date was actually April 17th, but I haven’t been able to shake it; He keeps bringing it back to me. Presently, it is 1:30a, and I felt compelled by Him to get up and send this message out to all of you before returning to bed.
On April 17th, I recorded what I sensed so strongly the Holy Spirit was giving me. This three-word phrase kept rolling, over and over and over in my spirit: NO IDLE WORDS, NO IDLE WORDS, NO IDLE WORDS. Resist the temptation to speak idle words of doubt, unbelief, anger, hatred, gossip, slander… NO IDLE WORDS. The power of life and death are in the tongue. Therefore, you must shut your mouth and let no idle word proceed out of your mouth. This is a holy mandate from heaven. Use your mouth as an instrument of righteousness and as a holy weapon for shouts of praise and prophetic decrees. If you will heed this instruction, you will see the victory.
Tonight, I cannot sleep because I am reminded again of the dream He gave me on October 8, 2021. The words of the angel keep ringing in my ears: “this move of God will be carried on prophetic streams”
“You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways.” Job 22:28. The angel took me to see gatherings of God’s people (the remnant) who were carrying the move of God with their shouts of praise and prophetic decrees.
Tonight, He stirred my spirit so deeply again with this reminder and then the strong admonition that He gave me that dream for a Divine Purpose. We must pray the prophecy through and be vigilant and diligent to use our mouths for good and not evil. THIS IS A STRONG WARNING FOR ALL OF US: the temptation to speak idle words, complaining, murmuring, grumbling, gossip, griping, bitterness…against others and/or against God; will stop the move of God if we give into it. This is a strong prophetic word He is giving us now. He has called us (Radiant) and positioned us for victory and breakthrough for our city/region, and the way we use our tongues will determine the outcome. Remember: shouts of praise and prophetic decrees. When you praise, He roars. And the power of life and death are in the tongue (Proverbs 18).
Please pray with us for our church, all campuses, our staff, and all of our church family to carry the move of God with our shouts of praise and our prophetic decrees. We MUST ALL put a guard over our mouths and a watch over our lips and CHOOSE to put on garments of praise and speak the right things. Let’s be like Abraham and call those things which be not as though they already are, in Jesus’ Name!
Pastor Todd and I learned about two more amazing miracles that have taken place, and we are praising God for what He’s done and what He is doing! While many people have received miracle healings; others are still waiting for theirs. Let’s keep pressing into Heaven together with our praise and prophetic decrees that healing miracles flow like water. I plead with every one of you, do not give in to doubt, unbelief, anger, bitterness, grumbling, and complaining…because God’s Word clearly teaches us that will stop the move of God every time.
Okay, I believe I have done what The Holy Spirit directed me to do. Thank you for standing firm together with us and for continuing to fight the good fight of faith. It is a fight of faith, and if we persevere, we will see great things ahead.
Pastor Kelly
Written by Kelly Hudnall
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