Scriptural Prayers for Marriage and Family
“Lord, we take the keys of the Kingdom that You have given us, and in the authority of Your Name, we decree Your Word. We pray as Jesus prayed in John 17 sanctify us by Your Truth, Your Word is Truth.
It is written: let no man put asunder, divide, or separate what God has joined together. Lord, we thank You for the covenant of marriage that You established for all generations.
We acknowledge today, before the courts of heaven, that hell hates the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. And it is written in two Chronicles 7:14 if my people who are called by, my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways I will forgive them of their sins, and I will heal their land.
Father, we have sinned, and we repent for the sins of our nation in neglecting, rejecting, and destroying this sacred covenant that you ordained. Please forgive us and forgive our nation; cleanse us of this wickedness. Father, forgive us for not holding marriage in the high esteem that you have placed upon it. Father, forgive us for making marriage something that you never intended.
And Father, we ask You to forgive us, who are married, for not honoring, loving, protecting, and esteeming our spouses and holding them in high regard as You called us to.
According to your word in Ephesians 5:21-33, we decree that we will uphold and honor the institution of marriage between husband and wife. And we decree your word over every marriage in our church family. Married and single, we all decree Your heart, Your Truth, and Your ways over marriages. We humbly submit to Your word and Your counsel to Be submitted to one another in love and subject to one another out of reverence for Christ on the good days and the not-so-good days.
We demolish, destroy and remove the word “divorce” from our vocabulary. We overthrow and destroy the divorce decree from our marriages in Jesus’ Name.
We decree the word of the Lord that as Wives, we will honor and be submitted to our husbands as we are to the Lord. Lord, we repent for the times when we did not show honor and respect, and we ask for Your forgiveness. We plead the BLOOD of Jesus over our hearts, our marriages, and our families. The BLOOD of Jesus is greater than any sin, any offense, or any failure…that we have committed or that has been committed against us. Thank You for Your blood.
Today and every day, we choose FORGIVENESS through Your BLOOD! We forgive those who have wronged us, and we forgive ourselves for our wrongs and failures. Lord, we choose daily to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow You in esteeming each other higher than ourselves.
We ask for the fire of God to consume us and burn away every selfish unholy passion. We pray for and decree that the husbands at Radiant love their wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her in order to make her holy by cleansing her with the washing of the water of the Word. Fill every husband with Your love so that they will treasure, protect, honor, and love their wives as they do their own selves.
Lord, we ask for Your Divine power and holy fire upon every marriage at Radiant. We decree strength and unity over our marriages and families.
We pray for a holy rebellion to be stirred up in the hearts of Your people against hell’s agenda to destroy marriages and families, in Jesus name. In the authority that You’ve given us in Your name, and by the power of Your word and Your blood, we demolish and destroy the agenda of hell to destroy marriage as You designed it.
It is written, and we prophesy:
“For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” Paul said, this is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the church. Each of you should love his wife as himself, and a wife should respect her husband.
We pray Romans 12:9-13 over our families and our church family: Let love be genuine among us, Lord! Cause us to hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good, love one another with mutual affection and forgiveness; may we look for ways to outdo one another in showing honor. We look to You, Lord, and we are zealous for You and for Your Presence! May we always be fully devoted to You in spirit, serving You, Lord, with gladness. We choose to always Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, and persevere in prayer.
We also cry out to You for the restoration of the family altar. Let it begin in us, let it begin with us. Forgive us for allowing so many competing altars in our lives, in our homes, and in our families to push out or push back the family altar of prayer, worship, and the word. Holy Spirit, we are asking You to RELEASE a holy passion in Dads and Moms to rebel against hell’s agenda against the family altar. Stir the hearts of parents to establish, fortify and prioritize family prayer, Bible, and worship. In this way, we strengthen our marriages and families to stand against hell’s agendas. Stir up a holy hatred for sin and resistance against those things that dull our love for You and for Your Truth.
Pastor Kelly
Written by Kelly Hudnall
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