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Restore The Family Altar


by | Jan 16, 2023

A few weeks ago in prayer, The Lord spoke to me about competing altars. As pastors we cannot expect others to go where we aren’t willing to go ourselves. Establishing and maintain a family altar has been a main priority in our home since our children were toddlers; but we are determined to consecrate ourselves and go to the next level. And we believe God has directed us to challenge you to go to the next level with us in your home.

Moms and Dads, It’s not enough to tell our children to pray, worship and read God’s Word daily. We must cultivate powerful times of prayer, praise and time in The Word of God at home. 

It begins with us and it must begin now before it’s too late. No, it’s not easy but it is doable and it is absolutely essential for the battle we are in. There is nothing more important than training our children to know how to fight the good fight of faith against the powers of darkness that are relentlessly coming against them.

The Holy Spirit has compelled us to sound the alarm. Many do not want to hear what God is saying today, so they will ignore His warnings and admonitions to their regret. Others will hear the sound of His alarm and will heed the voice of His warning.

Recently in prayer His Presence filled me and this is the word He gave me for His people today:

Do not conform to the world and the world’s way of living. 
Cease from putting other things first. 
It’s time to restore the family altar of prayer, praise, and devotion to daily time in The Word of God.

Tear down the idols that compete with and dominate your lives and schedules. 
I AM The Lord and I will not tolerate your idols that you allow to take priority over Me.

Repent and turn from your own ways of thinking and living. 
You justify your lack of time spent with Me, in prayer, praise and in My Word, saying that you are too busy. 

You are busy with your own priorities but not with mine. 
All of your busyness is futile and will amount to nothing when you busy yourself to the neglect of a personal altar, family altar and corporate altar to Yahweh. 

You cry out to Me for your children, the children that I entrusted into your care. Yet, you neglect the most important calling that I have placed upon your shoulders. You think you can tell them to worship Me and surrender to Me but you have allowed the family altar to be destroyed and pushed aside day after day. 

I tell you now that you must restore the family altar to see your children and your children’s children saved from this wicked agenda of hell. 

Repent now before it’s too late. Do not say, “I will restore the family altar of worship, prayer and The Bible tomorrow. No! I say you must repent today. You must tear down the competing idols NOW. Tomorrow will be too late! 

Repent now and gather your family’s together and come to Me. I AM your refuge, your fortress and your hiding place. I AM the Lord.


Pastor Kelly

Written by Kelly Hudnall

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