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Celebrate the past and move forward full of faith into the New Year

Too Good To Not Be Trusted

Too Good to not be Trusted   This morning in prayer the Holy Spirit directed me to Genesis 22. Which is the account of God requiring Abraham to place his son, his only son, his miracle answer to Abraham and Sarah’s prayers, upon the Altar as a sacrifice to God....
Celebrate the past and move forward full of faith into the New Year

Angels Sent Before Us

Angels Sent Before Us   Recently I was loading laundry into the washing machine and as I closed the door a word from the Lord struck me profoundly. These words pierced me like an arrow and sent chills through my body, “I am about to unleash my glory in ways that...
Celebrate the past and move forward full of faith into the New Year

Biblical Citizenship

BIBLICAL CITIZENSHIP     President Ronald Reagan spoke this powerful timeless truth: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on...
Celebrate the past and move forward full of faith into the New Year

God Is Up To Something

God Is Up To Something   God is up to something. We are in the middle of a 21-day fast, and this fast is, without a doubt, the most significant and important fast we have ever embarked on. On Tuesday, we canceled our regular staff meetings and spent the day at...